How perfect are these two together? We got together to shoot Sadie and Weston’s engagement photos while they were in town for a week this summer. When we got to the Montour Preserve to do the shoot, we right away were hearing thunder and the sky started looking a little threatening. So inopportune! But, the bad weather skirted around us and everything turned out perfectly. The sun peaked out and the skies still remained a little dramatic allowing us to get a good variety of lighting in the shots.
This couple is so good together…lots of smiles and laughs shared between the two of them during their shoot. Weston was game for anything as long as I gave him instructions! If you’re planning a session, don’t be nervous about how you’re going to smile or what you’re going to be doing. I’ll talk you through it and make it as painless as possible. It always ends up being a fun time, I promise! Here are a few faves from the shoot!